We are in the anchorage in La Paz now. There is a strong current in here and often strong winds as well. The two work off of each other and so the anchored boats move around a lot in a strange motion known as the "La Paz Waltz". We will be here for a few days for provisioning but need to be out of here by Tuesday. Cindy has volunteered to be a Net Controller for the Southbound net. This is a radio net on the SSB (Single Side Band) radio. There are a few nets, the two biggest being the Amigo in the morning and the Southbound in the evening. These are a way for the boats in Mexico and central america to communicate, this is a known time and frequency to meet. The net controller keeps everything organized as boats check in and give their boat name, crew names, and position, facilitate messages between boats, and listen for weather information (Don Anderson on Summer Passage in Oxnard, does great weather). Cindy is now the controller on Tuesday evening, She has done this twice and is doing great! Unfortunately La Paz in not a good place for HAM radio reception, so we need to be elsewhere by tuesday evening.
We finally caught up to Yohelah, the boat we went with to Canada and Alaska. The boat is here in La Paz, Rob is still here getting the boat ready for summer storage, but Teresa is already back in Seattle looking for work. We miss Teresa, but did get to do dinner with Rob. The will be back in the Fall for more Mexico adventures.